EP Kings confirm provisional liquidation order

Mar 10 • General News • 1582 Views • Comments Off on EP Kings confirm provisional liquidation order

EP Rugby can confirm that a provisional liquidation order has been granted by Judge Eksteen in the Port Elizabeth High Court this morning.

The provisional court order means EP Rugby Ptyu Ltd have until the 10th of May to address the current financial challenges being faced.

It is important to note that the provisional liquidation does not impact on the day to day operations of the Pty Ltd in any way. This means that EP Rugby Pty Ltd will continue with our preparations for the upcoming Currie Cup tournament that begins on the 8th of April this year.

Further, it should be noted that the EP Rugby Union executive have been given a mandate by the clubs during the Special General Meeting on the 25th of February to seek Business Rescue in order to stabilise the financial circumstances of the union.

We are currently engaging with our legal advisors as well as with SA Rugby, Government and other stakeholder on this matter.

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