Grow a Mo! Dragons support Movember

Nov 2 • General News, Guinness Pro14 • 1072 Views • Comments Off on Grow a Mo! Dragons support Movember

The players and backroom staff at Dragons are ditching the razors to sport some ‘fan-tash-tic’ Mos this month to fundraise for men’s health.

Movember is the month-long moustache-growing event, when men are encouraged to sport upper lip hair to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues.

A variety of weird and wonderful Mos will now be on show at Rodney Parade with team-mates and staff alike all ready to get hairy for the Movember Foundation.

The team is captained by Ben Stirling, Head of Physiotherapy & Medical at Dragons, and he admitted the players were eager to get involved.

“Lots of the squad and backroom staff have stuck their hands up to do it for a fantastic cause and hopefully our efforts will raise lots of money for the Movember Foundation,” said Stirling.

“Ceri Jones is renowned for his sizable facial hair and the likes of Rhys Lawrence and Joe Davies – both instantly recognisable with their beards – are also cutting it off and growing a new Mo to raise awareness.

“One or two boys have needed a little convincing to do it for the whole 30 days. There will be some interesting sights come the next home league game with Edinburgh at the end of the month!

“While it’s great fun there is also a hugely serious side to why we are doing this. All the money raised will go towards research into prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health and suicide prevention of men.”

First launched in 2003 by a group of around 30 men in Melbourne, Australia, Movember has become a global phenomenon.

Now around five million people – dubbed Mo Bros and Mo Sistas – take part in at least 21 countries.
Movember has raised more than £134 million worldwide since its launch, with funds put towards research into prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health and suicide prevention of men.
Every year 10,000 men die of prostate cancer – one an hour – and suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under 50.

The Movember Foundation aims to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25 per cent by 2030.

To support the Dragons team with their Mo-growing efforts visit

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