Morne Steyn back in starting line-up for Vodacom Bulls

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Their most experienced player ever, Mornè Steyn, is back in the starting line-up of the Vodacom Bulls team to play The Sharks at Loftus Versfeld on Saturday.
Steyn came off the bench in last weekend’s win over the Southern Kings much earlier than planned, having to replace Louis Fouchè (who tore knee ligaments) and continued to set the high standards expected.
He is one of three changes to the starting line-up.
Vodacom Bulls coach Frans Ludeke also changed his midfield combination. Wynand Olivier has departed for France, resulting in Jan Serfontein and JJ Engelbrecht combining again, with Serfontein moving to his preferred inside berth.

There are a number of changes on the bench. Jano Vermaak has recovered from his hamstring injury and replaces Rudy Paige, Callie Visagie and Willie Wepener rotates again at hooker and Jürgen Visser comes into the squad as back-up flyhalf. Mornè Mellett comes into the side in place of the Paris-bound Juandrè Kruger, as Ludeke opted for two props on the bench.

“We have had a lot of disruptions since the squad returned and injuries to the likes of Pierre (Spies), Arno (Botha), Louis (Fouchè) and the departures of Wynand (Olivier) and Juandrè (Kruger) certainly did not make life easier for us. Fortunately we have always backed the depth of our squad and that is bearing fruit,” Ludeke said.
“We will face a Sharks team that will be desperate, as they need to win to keep their play-off hopes alive, but we have also goals to achieve and to get there, we need to keep on winning,” Ludeke said.

Vodacom Bulls captain, Dewald Potgieter, said the focus will be solely on doing the basics right as a team.
“We are not looking at the bigger picture yet. We need to beat a very strong Sharks side packed with class players and lots of experience. We need to back ourselves, execute what has worked for us for far and most important, show up as a team on Saturday.”

The Vodacom Bulls team is: Zane Kirchner, Akona Ndungane, JJ Engelbrecht, Jan Serfontein, Bjorn Basson, Morné Steyn, Francois Hougaard, Dewald Potgieter (c), Jacques Potgieter, Deon Stegmann, Grant Hattingh, Flip van der Merwe, Werner Kruger, Chiliboy Ralepelle, Dean Greyling. Substitutions: Callie Visagie, Frik Kirsten, Wilhelm Steenkamp, Jono Ross, Jano Vermaak, Jürgen Visser, Morné Mellett.

Steyn terug in die beginspan

Die Vodacom Bulls se mees ervare speler nog, Mornè Steyn, is terug in die beginspan wat Saterdag op Loftus Versfeld teen die Sharks in ‘n Vodacom Super Rugby-wedstryd speel. Steyn het verlede week as plaasvervanger teen die Southern Kings begin om hom ruskans te gee na die toetsreeks, maar moes vroeg reeds inspring om Louis Fouchè te vervang na hy knieligamente geskeur het.

Steyn is een van drie skuiwe in die beginspan se agterlyn. Met Wynand Olivier nou in Frankryk, skuif Jan Serfontein terug na sy voorkeurposisie op binnesenter en JJ Engelbrecht dra sy gereelde nommerdertientrui langs hom.

Die Vodacom Bulls-afrigter, Frans Ludeke, het ook ‘n paar skuiwe op sy plaasvervangerbank gemaak. Jano Vermaak is weer fiks en vervang Rudy Paige, Callie Visagie en Willie Wepener ruil plekke in hulle rotasiebeplanning en Jürgen Visser word as plaasvervanger-losskakel ingespan. Ludeke het ook besluit om twee stutte op die bank te kies en Mornè Mellett is ingesluit in die plek van Juandrè Kruger, wat Frankryk toe is.
“Daar was heelwat ontwrigting gehad met die beserings van Pierre (Spies), Arno (Botha), Louis (Fouchè) en die vertrek van Wynand (Olivier) en Juandrè (Kruger). Gelukkig het ons van die begin af geglo aan die diepte in die groep en ons pluk nou die vrugte,” het Ludeke gesê.
“Ons gaan te doen kry met ‘n Sharks-span wat speel vir oorlewing, so dit gaan ‘n harde een wees, want ons moet ook aanhou wen om ons doelwitte te bereik.”

Die Vodacom Bulls-kaptein, Dewald Potgieter, het gesê die fokus gaan in spanverband wees.
“Ons sal dinge as ‘n span moet regdoen. Niemand kyk verder as hierdie naweek en dit wat ons moet doen nie. Die Sharks kom hierheen met ‘n span vol ervaring en klomp gehalte-spelers. Ons moet dus in onsself, die strukture en mekaar glo. Wanneer ons as ‘n eenheid speel, vaar ons die beste.”

Die Vodacom Bulls-span wat teen die Sharks speel is: Zane Kirchner, Akona Ndungane, JJ Engelbrecht, Jan Serfontein, Bjorn Basson, Morné Steyn, Francois Hougaard, Dewald Potgieter (k), Jacques Potgieter, Deon Stegmann, Grant Hattingh, Flip van der Merwe, Werner Kruger, Chiliboy Ralepelle, Dean Greyling. Plaaasvervangers: Callie Visagie, Frik Kirsten, Wilhelm Steenkamp, Jono Ross, Jano Vermaak, Jürgen Visser, Morné Mellett.

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