Pink day at Dale College

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Pink day at Dale – 17th August 2013: Dale College vs. Queen’s College

Dale College schools will go PINK for the FNB Classic Clash rugby game against Queen’s College. Dale will again be playing in their Pink Strip for this annual fund raiser for CANSA and to highlight cancer and the effects that this disease has on every one!

In addition to the Dale First XV playing in Pink Strip, The Dale First Hockey team as well as Dale Junior U/13 rugby and hockey sides will also be turning out in pink strip.


What is Pink Day at Dale?


Many of us at the Dale Schools, our friends, families and many from our rival sports schools have been touched by and made aware of the effects of cancer. The Dale College Heads, SGB’s and the respective coaches and team members have given full support and backing for Dale Pink day. Wearing Pink at Dale on the day will play an important role and bring attention to all Dalians, their families, sufferers of cancer and those who have been touched by cancer and bring to the fore the supportive and research role of CANSA.


We all know some one and in many cases through personal knowledge and experience to validate and acknowledge that Cancer unfortunately does not choose times and moments. It can fell down the elderly or the young, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak, and does not necessarily choose male or female and without emotion or choice or timing or race. CANSA statistics show that one in four in South Africa is likely to contract cancer. Statistics also show that only 20% of children survive cancer in the Eastern Cape and only because the community do not know what to look for when illness presents itself. This is far below normal statistics. A frightening thought!

We are mindful of all who have been diagnosed with cancer where ever they might be. We also remember to pay tribute to our past teachers, sports coaches, admin staff and pupils and Old Boys from the Dale family who have all been touched by cancer. Pink Day at Dale is also in solidarity with everyone in South Africa and where ever they are in the world.


The main objective is again part and parcel of Educational Awareness of CANSA. It is also about what Dale as a truly South African school can do in a small way to get the message out in the public domain. It is to highlight the devastating effects of cancer if not detected at an early stage of the disease.

Yes, many of us have been touched by cancer either directly or indirectly and to bring in the young person element Dale assembly will be addressed by a 2009 matriculant from our sister school – KHS – and who is a survivor of cancer.

Siya Tyamzashe is now a tertiary education student in Port Elizabeth.

CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa) will again be on board with Dale schools and to reach out to every one from an educational point of view.

Anyone visiting in a supportive role to any Oncology centre will be devastated and astounded by the many men and women on those days having Chemotherapy and treatment…  A fact of life is that Breast, Cervix, Colon and many Cancers are generally “silent” as is Prostate cancer in men and with some times tragic consequences if not detected early.

We always hope that through Pink Day at Dale, young girls and boys and parents and the public are being educated in what to look for or recognizing symptoms relating to cancer. Collectively we bring into focus the drive to highlight cancer and to promote cancer education and cancer awareness.


DaleCollege is the only schoolboy First XV rugby side in South Africa to play in Pink strip and for such a cause. We can find no record of any other School that has done this and in effect it gives Dale College exposure and an association with a social awareness programme. Also, it brings in spectator support for a worthy cause and to show the public that our supporters and sponsors are also part and parcel of Pink Day at Dale in helping to fight cancer. In doing so, we highlight the triumphs of survival, the consideration of all who are undergoing cancer treatment and the remembrance of those who have succumbed to this disease. Above all we raise funds for CANSA.


The Dale First XV and the other sides playing in pink will be playing for everyone on the day and wearing Pink Jerseys and Shorts and wearing traditional Dale Red & Black socks.

The Gold Dale Heron will be in place on the jersey to celebrate both First XV rugby status and to celebrate the survivors or those in remission from this terrible disease.

The Numbers on the back will be in Black as a player identity and to remind us of those who have not survived cancer and associated complications.

Our Kit sponsor Eurolux and Dale Rugby Kit sponsor, Mr. Price Sport logos will also be displayed on the kit.  We all note that Pink Day at Dale is beginning to be a catalyst for the PINK drive at sports and schools levels

Pink is the colour of Cancer awareness, support and solidarity.

We hope that with public and sport supporter help and cooperation this Pink day will be as successful as Pink day of 2012.


We as public and friends of Dale have a very BIG roll to play here as well – a financial roll!

Please “dig deep” and let us have a donation towards Dale Pink Day. . All contributions large and small will be gratefully accepted

We also need your help in persuading your employers and companies that you associate with and your friends to give a substantial donation to a cause that affects everyone in some small or big way. We are hoping that another substantial donation will be made to CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa) who continue to be involved with Research, Education and Support projects.

We appeal for donations towards a collection for CANSA and these donations can be paid directly into the following Bank account raised through Charteris and Barnes (CA) SA:

Bank Account Name: Heron Club Pink Day

Bank: Investec Private Bank

Client Account Number: 1100199720141

Electronic Account Number: 50006141858

Account Type: CCM Call Account

Reference: Use your Surname or Company Name for accounting and acknowledgement purposes



To facilitate efficient processing of electronic and cheque payments into the CCM account you need to use the unique electronic account number allocated to this account.

For an electronic transfer of funds, the electronic account number must be inserted as the bank account number and the Investec branch code of 580105 as the bank branch

If a cheque deposit is made, the electronic account number must be inserted in the reference field on the deposit slip. The account number to be used is 4059749310 which is Investec Corporate Cash Manager account at ABSA Bank

Should you experience any queries on the above account or deposit procedure, please contact Charteris and Barnes CA (SA) on 043 642 5636.



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