Mar 31 • General News, Super Rugby • 1772 Views • Comments Off on ROB HORNE SUSPENDED FOR ONE WEEK

Player: Rob Horne
Team: Waratahs
Position: Winger
Date of Incident: 29 March 2014
Nature of Offence: Law 10.4 (a) Punching or Striking. A player must not strike an opponent with the fist or arm, including the elbow,shoulder, head or knee(s).
10.4(e) Dangerous tackling. A player must not tackle an opponent early, late or dangerously.
Elapsed time in match when incident occurred: 16th minute


The SANZAR Duty Judicial Officer Jannie Lubbe SC has accepted a guilty plea from Rob Horne of the Waratahs for contravening Law 10.4 (e) Dangerous tackling, after he was cited during a Super Rugby match at the weekend.

Horne has been suspended from all forms of the game for one week up to and including 6 April 2014.

The incident occurred in the 16th minute of the match between the Sharks and Waratahs at Growthpoint KINGS PARK in Durban on Saturday 29 March 2014.

SANZAR Duty Judicial Officer Jannie Lubbe SC assessed the case.

In his finding, Mr Lubbe ruled the following:

“Video evidence of the incident clearly showed that Horne’s right arm made contact with Sharks player, Francois Steyn in the neck and jaw area with what appeared to be a swinging arm. This was also recorded as such in the report of the Citing Commissioner.

“Mr Anthony Black SC made helpful submissions on behalf of the player, relating to the execution of the tackle and pointed out that the initial contact point of Horne’s right arm was with the upper arm of Steyn and then slipped up to make contact with Steyn’s neck and jaw.

“Waratahs head coach Michael Cheika also explained the ‘double tackle technique’ that was used and submitted that the tackle went wrong, resulting in contact with Steyn’s neck and jaw. There is support for this explanation in one of the angles of the video evidence.

“Mr Black submitted that the player was guilty of breach on the alternative charge of 10.4 (e) Dangerous tackling. The incident was deemed to be at the lower end entry level.

“He has played Super Rugby for six seasons with one suspension for a lifting tackle in that time. The player pleaded guilty and accepted the sanction of one week which was reduced from two weeks due to the lower end entry point and the player’s guilty plea.

“Accordingly, the player is suspended from all forms of the game up to and including 6 April 2014.”

All SANZAR disciplinary matters are in the first instance referred to a Duty Judicial Officer hearing to provide the option of expediting the judicial process.

For a matter to be dispensed with at this hearing, the person appearing must plead guilty and accept the penalty offered by the DJO.

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