SARU President deplores attack on Border president

Oct 5 • General News, National, South Africa, Vodacom Cup, Vodacom Cup News • 2742 Views • Comments Off on SARU President deplores attack on Border president

Mr Oregan Hoskins, the president of the South African Rugby Union, has deplored an assault on Mr Buntu Ondala, the president of the Border Rugby Union. Mr Ondala was punched several times by in an attack by disgruntled players at a Heritage Tournament in Tsholomnqa and required hospital treatment.

The assault is alleged to have related to unhappiness surrounding a ruling by the Border Rugby Union against the players’ club in respect to player eligibility.

“An assault is unacceptable in any circumstances but for players to take out their unhappiness about an off-field administrative decision in this fashion is outrageous,” said Mr Hoskins.

“The matter is now in the hands of the police, as it properly should be, and I hope that this matter will be pursued to the full extent of the law. This is a very sad occurrence and has no place in rugby.”

Mr Hoskins said that he expected a report from the Border Rugby Union executive on their plans for the disciplinary action to be taken against any club members who were found to have been involved.

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