Unsuspecting Canterbury schools get ‘Random’ delivery

Mar 7 • General News, School • 2231 Views • Comments Off on Unsuspecting Canterbury schools get ‘Random’ delivery

700 Burnside High School students had their assembly ambushed by Andy Ellis and Tom Taylor delivering 150 rugby balls this morning.  They are among eight secondary schools around the Canterbury region who have received deliveries of rugby balls today as part of a nationwide ‘Random Rugby’ promotion.
Canterbury Rugby’s General Manager of Community Rugby, Tim Gilkison, said rugby registrations throughout schools and clubs were underway and the ball giveaway to teens aimed to encourage people into the game, particularly teenagers, as well as promoting Random Rugby TV.  More than 5,000 rugby balls are being distributed to secondary schools throughout New Zealand today as part of the promotion.


“Clubs and schools are busy registering players, coaches, referees and administrators and we’re hopeful for another great year of rugby in Canterbury. Throughout our region there is a huge level of excitement in rugby and we look forward to it flowing onto increased participation.” Mr Gilkison said.


The annual window for player registrations traditionally runs to April. Last almost 150,000 players signed up to play rugby throughout New Zealand.


New Zealand Rugby is introducing a new television programme, Random Rugby TV, to encourage teens to increase their involvement and interest in the game. The 10 minute weekly show will run on Sky TV over 20 weeks hosted by Makere Bradnam and features various All Blacks as well as rugby highlights. Random Rugby TV is in addition to the popular Small Blacks programme hosted by Nua Finau which moves to Sky Sport and returns on 22 March.


Photos supplied by Canterbury Rugby Union media

Photo: Andy Ellis and Tom Taylor returned to their former school, Burnside High School, to distribute 150 balls this morning.

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