Varsity Rugby values penalties and drop goals

Feb 3 • General News, Varsity Cup • 1823 Views • Comments Off on Varsity Rugby values penalties and drop goals

Update on points awarded for penalty kicks, drop goals and conversions

One of the exciting announcements to emerge from the launch of the 2016 season of the FNB Varsity Cup presented by Steinhoff International on Monday 25 January was the implementation of a new points scoring system. The system allows for a nine-point and seven-point try to be awarded, depending on where possession was originally gained in the uninterrupted try-scoring move. For more on the new rule see, visit the Varsity Cup news page:


Following the ‘nine-point try’ and ‘seven-point try’ announcements, the Varsity Cup Board has taken the decision to adjust the points allocated for successful penalty kicks, drop goals and conversions in the 2016 Varsity Cup, to the following:

  • Penalty kick worth 3 points
  • Drop goal worth 3 points
  • Conversion worth 2 points


“This change has come about, as we (Varsity Cup) continuously research and test the new points allocation system for tries,” says Varsity Cup founder, Francois Pienaar. “One has to understand the reason Varsity Cup had previously changed the value of points allocated to penalty kicks, drop goals and conversions. It was done to encourage running rugby and reward teams who put an emphasis on try-scoring. With the implementation of this new points scoring system for tries, we intend to encourage complete rugby, which will develop all the skill sets of our athletes.


“If we kept the points for kicks the same as previous years, it would take six penalty kicks to catch up with the one nine-point converted try in 2016. So by changing the points awarded for successful kicks, we are now encouraging all aspects of the game to be utilised and ultimately for individuals to develop all skill sets – including goal kicking.“


Value of Penalty

A penalty in rugby has always been a vital element. It has kept defending teams honest when defending in their half and close to their trylines, as the penalty carries the potential for valuable points to be scored.  Teams have won matches and continue to do so, by utilising their penalty kicks.


“Our aim has always been to encourage positive rugby and thus we felt it correct to restore the value of the penalty back to three points,” added Varsity Sports CEO, Duitser Bosman.

“With the penalty kick and drop goal brought back to three points, it would take three penalties to catch up to the ‘nine-point try’ and an extra penalty if that try had been converted. This offers great value to the penalty.”

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