Butch James to play no part in Lions tour after four week suspension

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Butch James. Photo by Bruce Taylor /Rugby15

Lions utility back Butch James will play no part in the Lions’ tour of Australasia after he was suspended for four weeks following a shoulder charge against the Brumbies on Friday.

James was cited for dangerous play after charging into a ruck in the 63rd minute of the Lions SuperRugby match in Johannesburg. James was yellow carded during the game by referee Keith Brown. A white card was also issued and after reviewing the incident, SANZAR citing commissioner Mike Heron found it to have breached the red card threshold.

James pleaded guilty to the charge of breaching Law 10.4 (h) A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging includes any contact made without use of the arms, or without grasping that player.

After reviewing the footage and hearing arguments for mitigation from James and his representatives, citing commissioner Heron indicated that a four week suspension would suffice. After some time James accepted the suspension.

The Lions are set to announce their touring squad today and Butch James’ name will not be on that list, as the suspension effectively rules him out of all four tour matches against the Chiefs, Blues, Reds and Force respectively.

James has been suspended from all forms of the game for the four weeks to and including Saturday 26 May 2012.

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